Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Neighborhood Watch Meeting - Thursday, Nov. 12th

Deputy Negron from Orange County Sheriff's Department will be with us on Thursday, November 12th, at 7 PM in the Clubhouse.

Make sure you let your neighbors know about the meeting next Thursday night.
I have posted notices on the mail box for those who have not yet signed up and aren't on the email list. We want to get as many people involved as possible. Let's shoot for a great turnout.
I spoke with Deputy Negron on the phone today. He drove though our neighborhood around 11:00 this morning to check things out. He told me that he counted 12 GPS's that he saw visibly mounted on the dash of various cars. He said that this is an invitation for more break in's.
Please, if you see that your neighbors have things in their cars that are easy targets, ask them if they would bring them inside.
Take care and see you next Thursday at the clubhouse.
J. Baumann

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